Music video collaboration with Mr. & Mrs. Something

Remember our friends Mr. & Mrs. Something who made all the original music for Closure? They're gearing up to release a new album November 17th, and I was able to collaborate with them on a new music video!

It's a beautiful song and story, with amazing performances by friends of ours cast as "actors". Please give it a watch, share on social media, and if you like the song, you can download it FREE for the next two weeks!


Closure now streaming on Netflix

We are beyond excited that Closure is now available to stream on Netflix! Please share with your friends, and if you have a Netflix account, please rate the film or even write a short review (NOTE: A review doesn't have to be super in depth - it can be as short as you want it to be). Ratings and reviews really impact how people discover new films on Netflix, so we would really appreciate your help there. Here is the direct link to our page where you can watch, rate, and review:

-Bryan & Angela

New webshow featuring young adoptee voices

Angela Tucker of Closure is beginning a new webshow where she invites young adoptees and foster youth to chat about "the adopted life" and what that means to them.  Here is the first pilot episode, featuring transracial adoptees Ella (9) and Ariana (10) discussing birth families, being a different color than their adoptive parents, and how they handle bullies at school.  The show is edited and produced by Angela's husband (and Closure filmmaker), Bryan Tucker.  Give it a watch!

If you know a young adoptee or foster child that is interested in being on the show, please fill out the submission form here.  Bryan and Angela are currently exploring sponsorship opportunities for future episodes, so if your adoption agency or group is interested in being a sponsor, please contact Angela at

Transracial adoptee Angela Tucker, talks with two young transracial adoptees about the adopted life, birth families, and how to handle bullying. If you are a young adoptee or foster youth and are interested in being on the show, go here: